Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Female treated with FaceTite
Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients

Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice. Not a guarantee of results. Photos published with informed written consent of patients
Attention : Ces photos sont publiées à titre indicatif pour fournir des informations sur la nature de l’intervention. Elles ne constituent pas une garantie de résultat.
Source : Clinique Face MD.