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Neck Liposuction Montreal

Clinique Face MD

Clinique Face MD

What Is Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction is a cosmetic facial plastic surgery procedure that targets the fatty deposits in the neck. Neck liposuction will not have any effect on your skin tissue or muscles; only excess fat cells in this area of your body will be removed to restore a slimmer profile and remove sagging tissue from the neck and jowls.

Neck liposuction is one of the least invasive cosmetic procedures that can be performed by an experienced head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery, and recuperation time is short.

Clinique Face MD

Neck Liposuction vs Neck Lift

Neck lift surgery is a more invasive procedure than neck liposuction. Neck surgery procedures involve transferring skin from behind the ear to create a more tightened and lifted appearance.

Neck lipo does not affect the underlying neck muscles and tissues that provide support to the neck. Neck liposuction is also an easier recovery than a neck lift.

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Clinique Face MD

The Place
For Your Face

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Clinique Face MD

Benefits Of Neck Liposuction

The main purpose of neck liposuction is to reduce sagging tissues on the neck and jawline. Some of the benefits of this facial liposuction include:

  • Remove fat and loose skin from the neck, jawline, and jowls
  • Eliminate double chin
  • Tighten the underlying structures of the neck, like muscles and tendons, to provide support for a slimmer-looking profile.
  • Reduce the appearance of vertical bands, or turkey neck. This is a structure in the neck that appears like a section of rope.
  • Reduces fatty deposits and makes sagging skin less noticeable to provide more definition and improve your facial features.
  • Requires very little recovery time, unlike other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Neck liposuction has minimal risks because it is a very targeted procedure and the results give you a more sculpted neckline in just one session. A qualified cosmetic surgeon trained in neck procedures will ensure a safe procedure and optimal results.

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Clinique Face MD

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Neck Liposuction

An ideal candidate is an individual who has excess fat in the neck area but has no significant skin laxity or sagging and doesn’t smoke.

Neck liposuction is not intended to provide a permanent solution, so it can be done as part of a regular annual maintenance program if necessary.

Neck liposuction is not intended to substitute for healthy eating habits, smoking cessation, or exercise.

Clinique Face MD

Neck Liposuction Cost

Neck liposuction costs less than many other cosmetic surgery procedures. It is a simple procedure usually performed in one session, and the recovery time is relatively short.

Neck lipo can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures like neck contouring, chin augmentation, or other nonsurgical treatments to meet your goals for a fresher look without appearing altered.

Clinique Face MD

The Neck Liposuction Procedure

A neck liposuction surgeon will make small incisions in the hair-line hairlineck of your neck and ear lobes. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so you will be awake but numb during surgery. Neck liposuction requires very little recovery time, and it typically takes an hour or less to complete.

Postoperative Neck Liposuction Procedures

Once your surgery is complete, you may resume regular makeup applications about a week following the procedure. Neck liposuction causes very little bruising or discomfort, so you may not require any special care during recovery.

Clinique Face MD

Are You Ready For A Rejuvenated Neckline?

Neck liposuction is a procedure that reduces fat and excess skin in the neck area. Neck lift surgery is more invasive but it can also tighten muscles underneath to provide support for a slimmed-down profile.

Neck lipo has fewer risks than a neck lift and typically requires less time to recover, making it an ideal candidate if you are looking for a simple way to rejuvenate your neckline.
Contact Clinique Face MD today to schedule your consultation today.

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Clinique Face MD

We Are Committed To Helping You Achieve Your Desired Look. Trust Your Face To Face MD.

Facial features are what makes each of us unique, and enhancing the appearance of facial features can have a significant effect on self-esteem. Over the counter facial products and makeup provide temporary results, but our procedures offer more durable and dramatic results. Our goal is to identify each patients’ facial aesthetic potential and optimize it.

Clinique Face MD is an aesthetic medical center that specializes in cosmetic enhancement procedures for the face and neck. With our offering of injections, surgery, and state-of-the-art technologies, we are the only clinic in Quebec that provides such a complete service offering dedicated exclusively to aesthetic enhancement of the face and neck.

Our team of facial specialists – overseen by the highly decorated head and neck specialist Dr. Sami Moubayed – are able to improve facial features and help you maximize your aesthetic potential.

We use safe and effective treatment methods using the latest technology – with results that will not only enhance your appearance – but make you feel proud and confident with how you look.

For long lasting, safe and evidence based facial enhancement procedures, go with a name that many other Canadians trust. Trust your face to Face MD!

Check out our other injectable medispa treatments: Dermal FillersDysportLip FillersNon Surgical Nose Job

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Neck liposuction gallery

Warning: These photos are published as an indication to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Source: Clinique Face MD.

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