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Medical Photography at home

Clinique Face MD

Clinique Face MD

Medical Photography at home


High-quality self-medical photographs are key to a successful initial screening by our clinic coordinators. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of taking self-medical photographs for a virtual evaluation by the coordinator.

  1. Camera or Smartphone: Use a device with a high-resolution camera.
  2. Tripod or Stable Surface: To keep your camera steady.
  3. Good Lighting: Natural light or well-distributed indoor lighting.
  1. Clean Face: Start with a clean, makeup-free face and dry hair.
  2. Clothing: Wear a plain, solid-colored top that contrasts with your skin tone. This makes it easier for the surgeon to focus on your face.
  1. Camera Placement Place your camera or smartphone on a tripod or stable surface at eye level.
  2. Timer or Remote Shutter: Use a timer function or remote shutter release to eliminate camera shake.
  1. Natural Light: If possible, use natural daylight. Position yourself near a window with indirect sunlight for even, flattering lighting.
  2. Indoor Lighting: If using indoor lighting, ensure it’s well-distributed and doesn’t cast harsh shadows on your face.
  1. Set the camera to capture the highest resolution possible.
  2. Use the timer function or remote shutter to take photos without camera shake.
  3. Review each photo to ensure clarity and focus.

Clinique Face MD

Understanding the Frankfurt Plane

The Frankfurt plane is an essential reference in facial photography, connecting the following two points:

   – Porion: The highest point of the ear canal.

   – Orbitale: The lowest point on the margin of the eye socket.

Ensure that a line connecting the porion and orbitale remains parallel to the ground in all your profile shots. This maintains consistent positioning for accurate assessments.

Avoid putting your chin excessively up or down, unless otherwise specified.

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Clinique Face MD

The Place for
Your Face

Clinique Face MD

Baseline shots: Frontal View

Frontal View:

  • Position yourself facing the camera directly.
  • Stand or sit up straight.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Maintain a neutral expression with your lips together.

Clinique Face MD

Baseline shots: Frontal Smiling View

Frontal Smiling View:

  • Position yourself facing the camera directly.
  • Stand or sit up straight.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Make a maximum full-denture smile and take the photo.

Clinique Face MD

Baseline shots: Right Profile View

Right Profile View

  • Turn your head 90 degrees to the right for the right profile.
  • Keep your Frankfurt plane (explained above) parallel to the ground.
  • Maintain a neutral expression.

Clinique Face MD

Baseline shots: left Profile View

Left Profile View:

  • Turn your head 90 degrees to the left for the left profile.
  • Keep your Frankfurt plane (explained above) parallel to the ground.
  • Maintain a neutral expression.
L Gold

Clinique Face MD

The Place for
Your Face

L Gold

Additional Shots

Depending on your concerns, consider taking the following additional shots below:

Sending the Photos:

Compile the photos into a single folder or document and upload them to your virtual Guest profile on our online platform, or send them to your coordinator via email.


High-quality self-medical photographs are a crucial part of a successful virtual pre-consultation with your head and neck surgeon practicing in facial plastic surgery. By following these guidelines and understanding the Frankfurt plane, you can provide your surgeon with the information needed to initiate the consultation process effectively and discuss your facial cosmetic surgery goals.

Additional Shots

Hair concern: Additional shot of the top of your head (Vertex)

Additional Shots

Nose concern: Additiional shot of the base of your nose

Additional Shots

Cheek, Jowl or Neck concern: Right and Left Profile with the neck flexed

Additional Shots

Close-up of any other specific concern

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