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Tattoo Removal Montreal

Clinique Face MD
Clinique Face MD

Tattoo Removal Montreal

At Clinique Face MD, we specialize in removing tattoos from various areas, including delicate and precise work like permanent makeup and eyebrows, scalp micropigmentation, as well as larger body tattoos. Each area requires a tailored approach to ensure safe and effective removal.

Clinique Face MD

What is the technology behind tattoo removal?

We utilize the PICOWAY laser, a cutting-edge picosecond laser technology renowned for its efficacy in tattoo removal. The PICOWAY laser emits ultra-short pulses that shatter the tattoo ink into tiny particles, making it easier for the body to naturally eliminate them. This advanced technology allows for more effective ink removal with fewer sessions and less discomfort.

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Clinique Face MD

How does the tattoo removal procedure happen?

The tattoo removal process at Clinique Face MD involves a few key steps:
  • Consultation: We assess the tattoo and discuss your goals.
  • Preparation: Avoid sun exposure and keep the area clean before treatment.
  • Procedure: The PICOWAY laser is applied to the tattooed area. Each session lasts about 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the tattoo’s size.
  • Multiple Sessions: Most tattoos require multiple sessions, spaced out over several weeks, for complete removal.
  • Aftercare: Post-treatment, it’s essential to keep the area clean, avoid sun exposure, and apply any recommended ointments.
Schedule a private consultation now for a tattoo removal treatment in Montreal!
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Clinique Face MD

What are the risks and side effects of tattoo removal in Montreal?

Common side effects include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort, similar to a sunburn sensation. In rare cases, there might be temporary pigment changes in the skin. Our team at Clinique Face MD provides comprehensive care instructions to minimize these risks.

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Is tattoo removal painful?

While discomfort levels vary, most clients describe the sensation as a rubber band snapping against the skin. We take measures to ensure your comfort during the procedure, including the use of topical numbing agents if necessary.

Contact us to learn more about tattoo removal in Montreal.
Clinique Face MD

What is the price of tattoo removal in Montreal?

The cost of tattoo removal at Clinique Face MD varies depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo. We offer personalized consultations to provide accurate pricing and discuss available packages. An approximate cost for an average tattoo per session can be approximately 350$.

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Clinique Face MD
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Who is a good candidate and what are realistic expectations?

Good candidates for tattoo removal at Clinique Face MD include anyone with unwanted tattoos, particularly those with strong immune systems. Realistic expectations include a significant fading of the tattoo, though complete removal may not be achievable for all tattoos. The number of sessions required can vary based on the tattoo’s age, ink quality, and your skin type.

Clinique Face MD

Are there some before and afters?

Yes, we provide before and after photos of our tattoo removal procedures. These images showcase the effectiveness of the PICOWAY laser across a range of tattoo types and skin areas, including delicate work like permanent makeup removal.

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Clinique Face MD


In Montreal, laser tattoo removal is the most effective, utilizing high-intensity light to break down ink. Alternative methods like surgical removal and dermabrasion are less common.

Costs vary widely, influenced by the tattoo’s size, complexity, color, and required sessions. It can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

Potential risks include skin discoloration, scarring, and infection. Laser removal may cause temporary redness, swelling, and blistering.

It usually takes multiple sessions, spaced 6-8 weeks apart. The exact number depends on the tattoo’s characteristics and the individual’s skin type

Black ink tattoos are easier to remove. Colored tattoos, especially with green, blue, or fluorescent inks, present more challenges. Larger and older tattoos also require more sessions.

The process includes initial consultations, method determination, and undergoing treatment sessions, with detailed instructions and care at each stage.

Aftercare involves keeping the area clean, avoiding sun exposure, not picking at scabs, and adhering to any specific specialist instructions.

Look for clinics with experienced professionals, positive client reviews, proper certifications, and a portfolio of successful removals.

The success rate is generally high, particularly with advanced laser treatments. Complete removal is often achievable, though faint traces or scarring may remain.

Removal is often perceived as more painful, akin to a rubber band snapping against the skin. Pain experiences, however, vary among individuals.

Prefer specialists certified in laser treatment with a background in aesthetic surgery or related fields. Ensure they have proper licensing and accreditation.

Skin generally heals within weeks after each session. Complete healing and fading can take several months to a year, depending on the method and individual skin type.

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Tattoo removal before & after photos

Warning:  These photos are published for informational purposes to provide information about the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results.

Photo source: BTL

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