Clinique Face MD
What is forehead reduction?
Forehead reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure of the forehead that is also called scalp advance, scalp reduction or scalp advancement.
Forehead reduction surgery reduces the height of the forehead by lowering the hairline by removing a strip of skin from the forehead: to treat a forehead that is too large, too bulging or a large forehead.
The procedure allows to obtain a more balanced facial proportion and to increase the density of hair on the forehead.
Clinique Face MD
What is the difference between traditional forehead reduction and ultrasonic forehead reduction ?
After the scalp has been lifted, it needs to be secured in its new, forward position. Traditional forehead reduction uses screws or foreign bodies to support the scalp in the new position. We use ultrasonic piezoelectric technology to drill small holes in the skull to secure the scalp using durable suture material. The piezoelectric technology is safer than drilling holes into the scalp as it does not damage the underlying brain tissue.
Clinique Face MD
What are the benefits of forehead reduction over FUE hair transplantation ?
An alternative to forehead reduction is hair transplantation using FUE. However, hair transplantation is a longer procedure that lasts between 6 and 12 hours, and the results are only visible at one year. Forehead reduction results are visible immediately.

Clinique Face MD
How is ultrasonic forehead reduction performed (and how long does the procedure take)?
Hair lowering is an operation performed under general anaesthesia to lower the hair. An incision is made at the hairline and extends into the temporal area within the hair-bearing region. Through this incision, the scalp is advanced forward. The excess skin on the forehead is then removed and the hairline is placed in a new lowered position.
An Ultrasonic drill is then used to create small holes through which sutures are passed to secure the scalp in its forward position. The incision is closed using dissolvable sutures and heals nicely during the following week.
The procedure takes around 2 hours to perform.
Clinique Face MD
Who is a candidate for forehead reduction?
Ideal candidates for this procedure are women with a high, wide forehead and good hair density.
Clinique Face MD
What are the risks of forehead reduction surgery?
The risks include the following:
Hematoma: This is a collection of blood on the forehead. It occurs in the first few hours following the operation. Its treatment is based on the evacuation of the blood, most often under local anaesthesia.
Infection: This complication is very rare. Its treatment is preventive. It is based on the strict application of aseptic rules in the operating room.
Paralysis of the frontal muscle: This complication is very rare and most often temporary. It is a contusion of the frontal branch of the facial nerve. Its consequences are a lowering of the eyebrow and a total absence of movement of the forehead on the affected side. Most of the time, the chokes are back to normal after a few weeks to a few months.

Clinique Face MD
Things You Should Know Before Getting Forehead reduction
Forehead Reduction : Frequently Asked Questions for Cosmetic Forehead Reduction .
The results are permanent and allow a lowering of the frontal line or hairline without hair transplantation.
Forehead reduction surgery can reduce the height of the forehead by 2 to 3 cm depending on the elasticity of your scalp.
There is no surgery without scar. However, we hide the scar at the front of the hairline and it is usually not visible already after a few months.
The team at Clinique Face MD provides all the necessary wound care instructions after surgery to be able
Our prices are listed on our website at

Ultrasonic forehead reduction gallery
Warning: These photos are published as an indication to provide information on the nature of the intervention. They do not constitute a guarantee of results. Source: Dr. Moubayed’s practice.

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